Writing on controversial topics: Your detailed guide


Every student faces writing assignments in the process of studies. Some of you can do it easily while others struggle all the time. Every single essay seems to be a huge challenge and you have sleepless nights and days full of stress.

Some essays are easier to write than others. But writing on controversial topics is even more difficult. Such essays require a lion share of time, effort, as well as your analytical and critical thinking skills.

Not every student can cope with those requirements while such essays are very specific. While working on them, you should express not only your opinion but also discuss the opposite viewpoints.

Moreover, a controversial essay is not about convincing your reader that your point of view is the right one but about finding enough proofs to show that both viewpoints are correct. It is quite difficult if you have your strong opinion on that topic and stick to it. In other words, writing an essay on controversial topics is a sort of leading a debate with yourself and proving that both opinions are correct.

Choosing a controversial topic is also quite an adventure. You will need to pick the topic on which you are able to find enough proofs and arguments to support both viewpoints.

But don’t worry, you will find all the help you need in that post. You will find out how to choose your controversial topic and how to write on it properly.

Good controversial topics to choose

A controversial topic is proper when it is intriguing enough. Only, in that case, your controversial paper will be outstanding. But to write a good essay, you should pick the topic, on which you will establish a strong belief.

It means that it is better to write on something you are well aware of. Talking about topics you don’t really understand or are not interested in is not the best idea. You will hardly impress your reader if you do that.

When writing, you should show your passion and enthusiasm. Don’t go too personal, your paper should not be biased. Below, you will find some good controversial topics to choose from or just get inspired and write a good one of your own.

Controversial topics

Check out the following controversial topics to have an idea of what would be good to write about:

  • Should capital punishment be banned?
  • One official language in a multinational country.
  • The pros and cons of vaccination.
  • Should abortion be banned?
  • Is it necessary to legalize marijuana?
  • The change of global climate.
  • Should we ban laboratory testing of drugs on animals?
  • What is white nationalism?
  • Is universal healthcare possible?
  • Can healthcare be free for everyone?
  • LGBTQ Rights.
  • The pros and cons of euthanasia.
  • Nuclear arms control.
  • Should prisoners be entitled to vote?
  • Medical ethics.
  • Should rich people pay more taxes?
  • Should tobacco smoking be banned?
  • The pros and cons of organ donation.
  • Should teens be prohibited to gamble?
  • Political correctness vs free speech.

The list of controversial topics can be endless. These are just a few of them. But you may not hesitate to use them as yours or get inspired and create a great controversial topic of yours.

How to write on controversial topics: top tips for every student

As you probably already understood, writing a paper on a controversial topic is not that easy and cannot be done the last day before submitting your essay. However, there are some good tips that will make the process much easier for you.

Just try to follow them and stick to the rules below and you will be surprised at how easier the writing process can be.

  • Think of your audience. Your controversial topic should be relevant and up-to-date. So think of your readers – who are they and what will be interesting to them. Choose the topic that would be interesting not only for you but also for your potential audience.
  • Use credible sources only. When working on your controversial topic, use only relevant data and reliable sources for your research. You should be able to probe your judgments with very strong arguments. Keep in mind to write not only about advantages but also disadvantages.
  • Remain unbiased. When it comes to controversial topics, you should not express your subjective opinion, but vice versa, you should find criticism of your opinion.
  • Ask someone to read your essay. Healthy criticism is your key to perfection. Don’t be afraid to hear someone’s critics about your essay. It is very helpful and helps you improve the weak points of your paper.
  • Write a hooking introduction. To grab readers’ attention, you should write a hook in your introduction and keep their interest till the very end of your paper. For that purpose, you can use a rhetoric question, an anecdote, or a true story. Do not forget to include a couple of strong facts in your introduction. Use a strong thesis statement that will let everyone know the aim of your research.
  • Use examples in the main body. The main body is the biggest part of your essay and should contain all the pros and cons of the given topic. All examples have to be relevant and effective.
  • Avoid dubious phrases. You should use only true and 100% proven facts in your essay. Your reader will probably check the data you provided, so avoid ambiguous sentences when writing.
  • Create a strong conclusion. Avoid adding something new to your conclusion. This is just a summary of everything you have provided in the main body. It should not be less eye-catching than your introduction and should leave a track in the readers’ minds. You should not add any new facts or arguments. Instead, share your viewpoint and make a great conclusion.
  • Avoid misinterpretation. All the messages you provide in your paper should be clear and understandable. Do not confuse your reader.
  • Give it some time. Once you finished your paper, leave it for some time and get back to it in a while to look at it with a fresh mind. Proofread and edit it, improve all the grammar and stylistic mistakes. Your paper should not contain any plagiarism. Provide citations properly according to your professor’s guidelines. We recommend using online tools to check grammar and plagiarism. In case you are still not sure about your skills, time, or knowledge, you can always apply for the help of professional writers who will surely create a perfect controversial paper for you.

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